First Conference Talks 2016 announced
November 26, 2015
It’s still 2015 and already the first bunch of conference talks for 2016 are accepted and announced. I’m pleased and looking forward to speak at these events:
- VoxxedDays Berlin, Germany, January 28th-29th
Isomorphic JavaScript Apps with Nashorn and ReactJS - JFokus, Stockholm, Sweden, February 8th-10th
Isomorphic JavaScript Apps with Nashorn and ReactJS - VoxxedDays Zürich, Switzerland, March 3rd
No More Stress with your Tests - Stresstesting with Gatling - Jax, Mainz, Germany, April
No More Stress with your Tests - Stresstesting with Gatling
And of cource I’ll be at JavaLand, contributing at the Community Events (Code Golf!) and giving a one-day training on Nashorn.
Looking forward to see you there - either on one of these events, or on all of them!
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