KEYCLOAK Persistent User Sessons
November 27, 2024
Tags: #keycloak #oidc #authentication #persistent #session #video
Up to Keycloak v25 user sessions where only held in memory, which was a bit annoying when you had to restart the whole Keycloak cluster, because all the sessions were gone then and users had to re-authenticate. Struggling with an external Infinispan cluster was also not always the best option.
The Keycloak team heard you and starting with Keycloak v26, there are Persistent User Sessions! User session data will be stored in the database and will survive server restarts. Users can continue to work seamlessly without the requirement to re-authenticate again.
Watch this video to see all the details and how it works!
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Example sourcecodes (even if they are not used in this video) are available on my GitHub repository:
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