Understanding PKCE in OAuth 2.0: What, Why, and When to Use It
KEYCLOAK Persistent User Sessons
KEYCLOAK Declarative User Profile
KEYCLOAK Transient Users
KEYCLOAK Organizations and Multi-Tenancy in one Realm
Keycloak DevDay 2025 Announcement and Call-for-Papers
KEYCLOAK - Setting a fixed issuer value
KEYCLOAK - Flushing and clear Realm and User Caches via Admin REST API
KEYCLOAK - Using an HTTP/REST client in your custom extensions
Keycloak Dev Day 2024
FIDO Passkeys – In Zukunft ohne Passwort (Teil 3)
KEYCLOAK Enforce User Re-Authentication on Required Actions
Keycloak Discourse Community Forum Revived
Keycloak - Calling Required Actions directly
Keycloak - Tuning Database Settings when experiencing Transaction timeouts
Keycloak Events Logging Revised
FIDO Passkeys – In Zukunft ohne Passwort (Teil 2)
FIDO Passkeys – In Zukunft ohne Passwort (Teil 1)
KEYCLOAK Restrict Client Authentication and Authorization
KEYCLOAK Trainings-Kooperation mit SOCREATORY
KEYCLOAK Upgrading and Migration - Frequently Asked Questions
KEYCLOAK Home IdP Discovery
KEYCLOAK Update Email Feature
KEYCLOAK Recovery Authentication Codes
KEYCLOAK Magic Login Link - Passwordless Authentication
KEYCLOAK REALMS - What they acutally are and how to use them for Multi-Tenancy
Keycloak an die eigenen Anforderungen anpassen und erweitern
Keycloak als OpenID Connect konforme IAM und SSO Lösung
Keycloak 17 is out - Quarkus is now the default way to go!
KEYCLOAK Implementing Custom User Storage Provider
Keycloak Implementing Custom REST Resources
Keycloak Custom Required Actions
Keycloak Workshop @ JavaLand 2022
Keycloak is dead - long live Keycloak-X!
Public Keycloak Trainings
Keycloak & React.JS & Router Integration How To
Two-Factor Authentication with SMS in Keycloak
Keycloak Session Restrictor - or: HIGHLANDER mode
Keycloak Events Logging
A Keycloak Testcontainer
AWS Lambda Custom Runtime-API
AWS Lambda Layers Pros & Cons
My Cloud predictions for 2019
DevOps considered legacy - in the Serverless world
After one year of silence - back again!
Java EE Security API - Soteria
The world is as simple as rocket science
As a speaker at a conference...
My first DevOps conference
October Wrapup - Release of Serverless Buch, Fn Project and Digital Change
BREAKING : The Serverless Book is publicly available
Fn project - first impressions
August and September Wrapup - Serverless book, Oracle Java (EE), Security Soteria and new Talks
July Wrap-up - All Serverless Book
June Wrap-up - dropped
CI/CD Pipeline with Travis CI for Java-based Serverless apps
May Wrap-up - Jax Conference and Serverless Book
April Wrap-up - Serverless Buch goes Alexa, Chatbot, Spring and Java EE
March Wrap-up - All Serverless - Book and JavaLand
February wrap-up - Serverless book and talks, Code Golf and Triathlon referee
January wrap-up - cruise, new gig and a book on serverless computing
Serverless Compute Manifesto
The future of Java EE - Oracle unveils survey results
Serverless Microservices at W-Jax 2016
Video of my SSO Keycloak talk at W-Jax 2016
Single-Sign-On with Keycloak at W-Jax 2016
NPM vs. Yarn - new JavaScript Package Manager
JavaOne 2016 Keynote Comments
New API Summit in Berlin
Keycloak Admin Client(s) - multiple ways to manage your SSO system
Single-Sign-On for Microservices and/or Java EE applications with Keycloak SSO
JavaScript Training in Zurich, Switzerland
JUG Switzerland Tour in August/September 2016
How to get the AccessToken of Keycloak in Spring Boot and/or Java EE
Isomorphic/Universal JavaScript Applications with Java EE MVC, Nashorn, React.JS and Webpack
JavaScript as the next Runtime Platform - Change the way you are thinking!
My Video-Interview at JAXcon 2016 on Isomorphic JavaScript with React.JS and Java EE MVC
Optional Path Variables with Spring (Boot) Rest MVC
Lesson learned in a large web project using React.js
What about the future of Java (EE) (@ Oracle)?
My VoxxedDays Zürich talk on Stresstests with Gatling on Video
VoxxedDays Zürich 2016
My JFokus talk on Isomorphic JavaScript with Nashorn and ReactJS on Video
JFokus - a conference I can really recommend
Real Microservices with AWS Lambda
First Conference Talks 2016 announced
Running Camel Routes as JavaScript Application with Nashorn and Nasven
JavaOne - it's all about Community!
Going to San Francisco - my Talks at JavaOne!
Riding the Nashorn - Workshop at JavaLand 2016
Stress with the tests - Stresstests with Gatling
Configuring Wildfly for logging in Logstash format
Going International - JavaZone and JavaOne
Now Running on Jekyll
Frequently asked questions about Nashorn and Node.js
It's oh so quiet here...
JavaOne Call for Proposals - JVM language special
JavaScript for Java Developers @ JavaLand 2015
Developer Interview by Markus Eisele (Red Hat)
Current Status of Oracle's Project Avatar
New article about Nodyn in german Java Magazin
High-Performance Microservices - Node.js vs. Wildfly
Is Oracle's Avatar dead?
{JavaScript}Training Website published!
New (german) article about FeatureToggles and Togglz in "Java aktuell"
JavaScript for Java Developers training at JavaLand 2015
New (german) article in Java Magazin about Avatar 2.0
Something on JavaScript Performance and Benchmarking
Glorious days for the JavaScript language! It's everywhere!
Meteor has landed! It's now on 1.0!
Now on offer: JavaScript Trainings
Avatar 2.0 Architecture
My Avatar 2-Minute Tech Tip at Oracle Open World / JavaOne 2014
My (german) article about Avatar 2.0 on JAXenter
Oracle announces Avatar 2.0 at JavaOne
Executing JavaScript within the Database
My talk at JavaOne
Playing around with the Ehcache Search API
New MeteorJS demos for MQTT and Espruino
Avatar.js & Project Avatar - Feedback from conference talks
First steps with my new Espruino
Project Avatar at JavaOne 2014
Having fun with JavaScript
Review of JAX 2014
IoT and me... - Espruino?
Project Avatar: Twitterwall Demo
Video & Slides unseres Meteor JavaScript Platform Talks auf der #BEDCon 2014
Short-Talk über Code Qualität in JavaScript auf der BED-Con 2014
Das war die erste JavaLand Community Konferenz
NightHacking Interview über JavaScript und Node.js mit Project Avatar auf der JVM
Auf geht's ins JavaLand...
Java ist hundert Prozent Community...
Buch-Review: Vorgehensmuster für Software-Architektur von Stefan Toth
iX Developer Sonderheft "JavaScript heute"
Konferenz-Marathon 3/3: DOAG Konferenz + Ausstellung
Konferenz-Marathon 2/3: Continuous Lifecycle 2013 in Karlsruhe
Konferenz-Marathon 1/3: Developer Conference 2013 in Hamburg
Buch-Review: Apache Camel Messaging System (Packt Publishing)
Meteor vor dem Einschlag auf heise Developer
Architektur-Wissen zertifiziert!
ix Developer Sonderheft "Bessere Software"
Rückblick Entwicklertage 2013 Karlsruhe
JavaScript is the new Black
Datenbankmigration mit Flyway und Liquibase
Same procedure as every year: JAX
Review der Berlin Expert Days 2013
Apache Camel Workshop
Neuer Artikel erschienen
Neue Vorträge und Publikationen
Terminplan für das erste Halbjahr der JUG DA steht
Neue/alte Java User Group Darmstadt
Node.js & Co. mit Golo Roden
Wasser in der Wüste - Apache Camel Vortrag bei der JUG Darmstadt
ESB and BPM come together
Ein agiles Projekt ist kein Ponyhof
Herbstcampus Nachlese
Kreise, Linien und Rechtecke - können(!) der Kommunikation behilflich sein
Neuer Vortrag: Wasser in der Wüste